About Numerology Readings

To book a Reading, contact me via email at grace@venusnumerology.com or for more details go to the Offerings page.

To explore your natal Numerology is usually extremely revealing. To know your numbers is to know the patterns at work within yourself and in the relationships between yourself and others, and the world at large.

A Numerology natal chart reading allows us to translate your name and date of birth into numbers which can be read for their symbolic meaning in terms of both internal and external influences on your life and your character.

  • The date of birth is reduced to a digit referred to as the Life Path number. This broadly describes the themes you will encounter on your path through life and the flavour of the overall circumstances you find yourself in.

Life Path numbers tend to denote the most important lesson we are here to learn and where our focus naturally lies.

To calculate numbers from the name, the letters of the name are converted to numbers using an alphabet key.

These numbers are then used to calculate:

  • the total of the vowels in the name (the Soul Urge or Heart’s Desire number)
  • the total of the consonants (Quiet Self number)
  • the total of the entire name (Total Expression number)

These numbers derived from the name outline the person’s character and interests, and the qualities they have brought to bear in their personality in this incarnation.

  • The numbers which are absent from the name, not represented by any letter, are a person’s Karmic Lesson numbers and symbolise concepts which are important to your personal growth during this incarnation.
  • The Early Lesson number is derived from the total of the letters of the first name only; this number is symbolic of the person’s early life and how they were brought up.
  • The Maturity number is reached by adding the Life Path number to the Total Expression number and describes the person’s overall life purpose and sums up their reason for being here on earth.

All of these calculations, when taken individually and in combination, form the basis of a Numerology Natal Chart reading.

  • For a Numerology Year Ahead forecast, Personal Year and Personal Month numbers can also be derived from the Life Path number and the current date, to give an analysis of the themes to be encountered and areas of life to be highlighted throughout any given year.

I also offer Astro-Numerology readings. These provide an exploration of your natal numerology with comparison to the placements in your astrological birth chart, with analysis of how these energies and archetypes manifest within you and combine to give shape to your life and your unique experience of the world.

You can book a combined Numerology or Astro-Numerology and Tarot or Oracle card reading session, for a blend of guidance from your own personal configuration of the numbers and the stars, along with input via a card reading of what Spirit want you to be most aware of at this time.

To book with me or if you have any questions, please contact me at grace@venusnumerology.com.

I offer Numerology readings in a variety of formats. I wish to work with you in the way that is most comfortable for you, so that you will gain maximum benefit from our consultation.

  • If you like face to face meetings, or as close to that as we can get via an online medium, then we can connect over Skype or Zoom for a video call.
  • If you prefer to talk and don’t need the visual element or find it a distraction, we can hold the consultation via voice call.

For both video and voice call options, you will recieve an audio recording of the session afterwards.

  • If you prefer to read and respond to information in writing, a live text chat reading is for you.


  • Numerology “Big Three” reading

Covers your Life Path Number, Total Expression number & Maturity Number.

A succinct summing up of your core qualities, the path that you are walking this incarnation & your overall life purpose.

£35/$44 for 40 mins

  • Numerology Natal Chart reading

Analysis of your full natal numerology including delineation of the Life Path, Total Expression, Soul Urge, Quiet Self, Early Lesson, Karmic Lessons & Maturity numbers in your chart.

This reading explores who you are, your personality traits and emotional tendencies. It outlines likely patterns of behaviour for you and those around you, the kind of environment you find yourself in, and the gifts, talents and abilities you are likely to have.

We will discuss potential areas of difficulty and where you could excel. You will gain deeper understanding of your overall life purpose and lessons to learn in this incarnation.

With options to add a Tarot/Oracle card reading + Year Ahead Forecast (analysis of Personal Year + Month numbers for the next 12 months) for a more in-depth of where you’re currently at and how to make the most of the opportunities and possibilities open to you over the next year.

£55/$66 for 60 mins

£75/$88 for 90 minutes with Tarot or Oracle card reading

£95/$111 for 120 minutes with Numerology Year Ahead Forecast + Tarot or Oracle Card reading

  • Numerology Name Change Analysis

Are you considering a change of name for yourself or your business? Getting married or choosing a professional or stage name for yourself?

Discover the numerological vibration & energy of the name(s) you are considering and how it interacts with your natal numerology, to maximise your potential for success and minimise discordant influences.

£35/$44 for 40 mins

  • FOR RETURN CLIENTS ONLY – Numerology Year Ahead Forecast

If I have worked with your numerology previously, the Year Ahead Forecast is available as a stand-alone reading which covers your Personal Year and Personal Month numbers for the next 12 months from whenever it is booked.

If you have a particular focus in mind for this reading, we can use the consultation to address these concerns in terms of what your numerology says about the flow of your life over the next 12 months.

£35/$44 for 40 mins

or combine with a Tarot/Oracle card reading

£55/$66 for 60 minutes or £75/$88 for 90 minutes

To book a Reading, contact me via email at grace@venusnumerology.com or for more details go to the Offerings page.