The Art of Numerology

Numbers hold spiritual significance and are a primal Universal force.

Richard Tarnas wrote, “Archetypes can be seen as the great organizing
principles of psyche and cosmos,” and in Numerology, numbers are archetypes and can be used to divine greater truths about ourselves, our paths and universal principles.

Numerology interprets symbolic meaning from the numbers represented by the letters in a person’s name and from their date of birth. These numbers are used in various calculations to delineate the person’s character and the key themes of their life’s experience.

I use what is known as Pythagorean Numerology for all calculations, although whether this system originated with Pythagoras himself is widely disputed. Regardless of the origins of Numerology itself, the associations between numbers and their spiritual meanings upon which it is built on are intuitive to many people across time.

Each number holds its own unique vibration which can be felt, interpreted and is a conduit of important messages and wisdom. If we can allow ourselves to be quiet and still enough, we can connect with the knowledge that numbers contain on a spiritual level.

At first it can seem challenging for some people to see numbers in this way, because we are so familiar with them as figures on a page, in our bank accounts, as part of the work we do, and in our every day lives.

If you feel like this, Numerology can seem daunting because thinking about numbers in this way can be so unfamiliar. To some people, numbers are scary! I cried in mathematics lessons more than once in high school because I struggled to understand concepts like trigonometry and algebra. How ironic that today I am a Numerologist who utilises astrology, which like Numerology is rooted in geometry.

I would never have believed I could end up loving numbers the way that I do today from learning about them through the art of Numerology. This is where numbers and their vibrations come alive and can speak to us.

Learning to perceive numbers on a spiritual level, as symbols and archetypes, can help us to understand ourselves and our purpose at the deepest level. Numerology provides a framework to observe the intricate patterns that exist within ourselves and which weave through our lives.

Appreciation of numbers in this way also allows us to be closer to the magic that exists at every turn just beneath the surface of our daily lives. If you feel as though you or your life has been lacking magic recently, understanding your natal Numerology can help you to grasp why that might be, by illuminating your core needs and desires and what your overall life purpose is about.

Numerology assists us to look more objectively at ourselves, through the lens of the numbers in our charts. It also fosters compassion and acceptance within ourselves, as each number has its own special qualities and vibratory influences. Like the colours of the rainbow spectrum, all are necessary and none is more vital than the other.

Numbers are truly egalitarian despite their natural hierarchy. Each number is complete and whole within itself, but it is also interdependent with every other number, and together they function as a unity to bring about universal order.

Numbers contribute on a fundamental level to the miracle of Creation and the organisation of complex life – indeed, all life – on this planet. To know them so intimately and to feel called to introduce the numbers to others in this way is a fabulous honour.

I am a Numerologist because I want to share this with you, and help you to develop your own spiritual perspective of the numbers. I want you to understand the numbers in your own way, to be able to truly feel them, because their influences live in you as they do in all of us.

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